Shortage of physicians

Shortage of physicians

4 JUN 2019

Michael Kuhn and his co-author find, that in rural but not in urban areas the number of GPs is negatively related to the share of the elderly population.

Corresponding Research Areas: Population Economics

Fertility Intentions and Their Realization in Couples

Fertility Intentions and Their Realization in Couples

15 MAY 2019

Using data from two waves of the Generations and Gender Survey, the authors show that the division of work affects childbearing intentions.

Family and regional differences

Family and regional differences

30 APR 2019

Bernhard Riederer and Isabella Buber-Ennser find that the realization of fertility intentions is lower in urban than in rural regions.

Corresponding Research Areas: Demography of Austria

New "Genus" publication out

New "Genus" publication out

26 APR 2019

Marc Luy and his co-authors find that higher educated populations live longer.

Corresponding Research Areas: Health and Longevity

PAA Annual Meeting 2019

PAA Annual Meeting 2019

16 APR 2019

Congratulations to Sonja Spitzer, who received a Poster Award for her work on "The Subjective Cost of Young Children: A European Comparison"!

Corresponding Research Areas: Population Economics

Fertility Intentions and Completed Fertility Match Differently across Countries

Fertility Intentions and Completed Fertility Match Differently across Countries

28 MAR 2019

In their recent study Eva Beaujouan and Caroline Berghammer apply a cohort approach to 19 European countries and the US.

Corresponding Research Areas: Family and Fertility

The Wittgenstein Centre at the PAA 2019

The Wittgenstein Centre at the PAA 2019

27 MAR 2019

The Wittgenstein Centre is presenting new demographic research at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting 2019.

Corresponding Research Areas: Demography of Austria, Demography of Education, Family and Fertility, Forecasting and Ageing, Health and Longevity, Human Capital Data Lab, Human Capital Modelling, Migration: Drivers and Impacts, Population Economics, Population, Environment and Sustainable Development

Global Sustainable Development Goals in a mediatized world

Global Sustainable Development Goals in a mediatized world

20 MAR 2019

The Austrian Academy of Sciences is hosting this high level international symposium between 4-5 April 2019.

New measures show population aging likely to end this century

New measures show population aging likely to end this century

27 FEB 2019

Policymakers have long been concerned about the effects of an aging population on society, but researchers at IIASA have developed a new tool that shows population aging will likely end by the middle of the century in high-income countries.

New PNAS article published

New PNAS article published

7 FEB 2019

WIC researchers find that denied childhood educational opportunities contributed to stalled fertility decline in Africa.

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