Later fertility in Europe: How far can childbearing be postponed without being forgone?

Later fertility in Europe: How far can childbearing be postponed without being forgone?

29 JAN 2019

The team of LATEFERT works on the spread of late fertility in the low fertility countries and explores advantages and limits of childbearing postponement.

Corresponding Research Areas: Family and Fertility

Age Well Accounts - Policy Brief: The Rush Hour of Life

Age Well Accounts - Policy Brief: The Rush Hour of Life

28 JAN 2019

The AWA team measures the “rush hours of life”: People aged 25 to 54 face responsibilities for their children in addition to paid work.

Corresponding Research Areas: Population Economics

New study establishes causal link between climate, conflict, and migration

New study establishes causal link between climate, conflict, and migration

23 JAN 2019

IIASA-led research has established a causal link between climate, conflict, and migration for the first time, something which has been widely suggested in the media but for which scientific evidence is scarce.

Russian Demographic Data Sheet 2019

Russian Demographic Data Sheet 2019

15 JAN 2019

The second edition of the Russian Demographic Data Sheet provides a comprehensive look at key demographic indicators and main population trends for all Subjects of the Russian Federation, including population projection for 2050.

Corresponding Research Areas: Forecasting and Ageing

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