News Archive 2013

Education and Cohabitation in Britain

1 DEC 2013

Cohabitation is sometimes thought of as being inversely associated with education, but in Britain a more complex picture emerges. Educational group differences in cohabitation vary by age, time period, cohort, and indicator used.

Perspectives from Europe and Central Asia on the Post-2015 Development Agenda

7 NOV 2013

Wolfgang Lutz was invited to give a keynote at the Regional Consultation on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, which will be held on 7 and 8 November 2013 in Istanbul.

Life Expectancy: Marc Luy on Servus TV

5 NOV 2013

Marc Luy in an interview to Servus TV on November 5, 2013 in the show “Servus Journal” on life expectancy.

OeAW Kerner von Marilaun Lecture: Erich Striessnig

4 NOV 2013

On 4 November Erich Striessnig will speak at the Austrian Academy of Sciences as part of the Kerner von Marilaun Lectures about education as disaster managemen.

First FLAGSHIP Policy brief has been released

31 OCT 2013

The first policy brief of FLAGSHIP, an FP7-project with VID-OEAW as one of the partners has been published. A key concept in this FLAGSHIP Policy Brief is the “FLAGSHIP Compass”, which contains two general dimensions, namely sustainability and governance. The Policy Brief shows how this ‘compass’ can serve as a guide not only for the FLAGSHIP scenario building process, but also for policy makers in framing their decisions responses to the Grand Societal Challenges (GSC).

Eurostat/UNECE Work Session on Demographic Projections

29 OCT 2013

Several WiC scientists are presenting new IIASA population projections at this Work Session Rome from 29-31 October 2013.

Horror scenario population boom?

7 OCT 2013

"Population Boom" is the second documentary directed by Werner Boote. In order to find out who and what drives the horror scenario of overpopulation, the film includes an interview with Wolfgang Lutz.

Vodcast: W. Lutz at the National Academy of Sciences

1 OCT 2013

The presentation entitled "Intergenerational tradeoffs: What do future generations lose because of efforts to equitably improve current human well-being?" can be watch under "1-Oct, Session III. Conundrum: Wolfgang Lutz”

Preparing for 10 Billion: Workshop on Sustainability Science, 2013/9/30

30 SEP 2013

Invited by the National Academy of Sciences, Wolfgang Lutz is one of the key speakers at this public workshop that examines key issues including population size, distribution, aging, differential consumption, land and water use and climate change and their effects on availability of resources to achieve improved well-being for a larger number of people.

Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities

24 SEP 2013

Wolfgang Lutz will give a Statement at the Lithuanian EU Presidency’s Conference, a forum for scholarly exchange of ideas, examination of the common grounds and bridges of social sciences and humanities with technological, natural and other fields of science.

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The Wittgenstein Centre aspires to be a world leader in the advancement of demographic methods and their application to the analysis of human capital and population dynamics. In assessing the effects of these forces on long-term human well-being, we combine scientific excellence in a multidisciplinary context with relevance to a global audience. It is a collaboration among the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the University of Vienna.