Raquel Guimaraes



Raquel Guimaraes is a guest research scholar in the Migration and Sustainable Development Research Group of the IIASA Population and Just Societies Program. Guimaraes is analyzing Brazilian survey data to understand the drivers of environmental non-migration in the country, and is also interested in the climate change-food security-migration nexus. Her research interests include demographic analysis, applied econometrics, development economics, and the intersection of population and environmental change. She earned her degree in economics from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil (2007). She also holds a master's degree in demography from UFMG (2010) and a second master's degree in comparative international education from Stanford University (2012). In addition, she completed her PhD in demography at UFMG in 2014 and has undertaken postdoctoral research at IIASA as part of the former World Population Program.


Affiliation: IIASA

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The Wittgenstein Centre aspires to be a world leader in the advancement of demographic methods and their application to the analysis of human capital and population dynamics. In assessing the effects of these forces on long-term human well-being, we combine scientific excellence in a multidisciplinary context with relevance to a global audience. It is a collaboration among the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the University of Vienna.